A stick or spike is used to make a knot in the rope .
Marlinspike Hitch
A stick or spike is used to make a knot in the rope .

To Step use Arrow Keys (). Set Speed using 1 – 5.
Make a loop and through it tuck a bight of the standing end. Place the loop over the pole and tighten it. With a second rope, tie the same knot at the other end of the pole. Repeat to make a step ladder.
History: The Marlinspike Hitch Knot is described by Ashley spelled “Marlingspike” (ABOK # 2030, p 330.) He described it as being created using a marling-spike to heave on a strand or line when splicing, seizing, or serving a rope. “Marling” itself refers to the practice of making a series of half hitches around a rope to protect it. With modern ropes, such use is rare.
Making a Ladder: The Marlinspike Hitch Knot is a wonderful way of quickly gripping a pole or a bar to take weight. The ladder shown in the animation is an excellent example. However, if used as a ladder, several cautions must be observed:
- Correct End: Each Marlinspike Hitch Knot must be made correctly. For a ladder, always make the final bight in the “top” end (the standing end) and tuck it through the loop. The result will then function as a Noose: the greater the force, the tighter the grip. If the wrong end is used, the reverse is true. A Slip Knot: is formed and increasing force loosens the grip.
- Keep Level: Each rung should be horizontal. The ropes at the top of the ladder should be secured so that the rungs remain level to minimize the risk of a hitch sliding off its rung.
- Inspect: If one of these rope ladders has been stored, the hitches will have loosened and may have slipped. Make certain the correct end is used as the top and inspect each rung to be sure it is level and gripped.