Very secure slide and grip knot that may grip on tapered pole.
Icicle Hitch (Loop Method)
Very secure slide and grip knot that may grip on tapered pole.

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Structure: The Icicle Hitch Knot is almost identical to the knot described by Ashley to hoist a spar (ABOK # 1762, p 299) and to the Klemheist. The only difference is that the other knots are tied using a loop of rope.
Alternatives: The Icicle Hitch Knot can be tied by two methods. In addition to Dropping a Loop over the end of the pole, it can also be tied by Threading the End
Uses: The Icicle Hitch Knot is used when force is applied parallel to a post or pole in only one direction. In August of 2009, it was fully reviewed in Practical Sailor. They found it to be superior to other slide and grip knots including the Rolling Hitch.
Advantages: The Icicle Hitch Knot grips a smooth surface so well that it even works on a tapered surface such as a marlinespike – hence its name.
Pros and Cons: The Icicle Hitch Knot is relatively easy to tie and can be used over a bar or at the end of a pole.